Jewish Holocaust Centre launches Presto for DB/TextWorks website

On April 4, Norma Tovey and Pam Millist were invited to attend the launch of the JHC Collections Online at the Jewish Holocaust Centre (JHC).  About 100 people attended to hear the addresses by guest speaker – Professor Andrew Markus – Pratt Foundation Research Professor of Jewish Civilisation and Jayne Josem – Curator and Head of Collections.
This was an opportunity to acknowledge the culmination of about 3 years of collaborative work by the Project Manager together with the Museum Curator, the Archivist and the JHC team with Maxus on the deployment and development of their Presto for DB/TextWorks installation.


This initiative, made possible through the generous support of the Helen Macpherson Smith Trust, enables selected and managed online access to the Centre’s large and diverse collection of Holocaust related material.  As a long time user of Inmagic DB/TextWorks to catalogue their collections, Presto for DB/TextWorks now provides the JHC with a seamless search and retrieval portal for their collections which include: museum collection, art collection, video testimonies and newspaper clippings in addition to textbases of geographic and other information.
